April 1, 2021

Compensation recovered from South Manchester hospital for negligent treatment of fractured wrist

Our client initially presented to the A&E department at the hospital following an injury to his wrist sustained whilst playing basketball.

Examination and x-ray were conducted in the Emergency Department and our client was discharged home on the advice he had not sustained any bony injury. No safety netting advice was provided to our client in the event his symptoms persisted.

Three months thereafter our client re-presented to the Emergency Department with persisting pain at the injury site. A further x-ray was conducted which confirmed a fracture to our client's scaphoid, which required surgery to stabilise.

Our client brought an action for delay in diagnosis and treatment of the scaphoid injury. They argued that but for the delay he would have been provided with conservative treatment thus avoiding the need for surgery.

Liability was disputed but settlement agreed in our client’s favour for the sum of £15,000.

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