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Opinion  |  01:05:24
Can spinal surgery go wrong?
Spinal surgery is a very complicated area of medical practice. Despite studies demonstrating the success rates of surgical treatment, in some circumstances patients can still feel pain after undergoing surgery. Post-operative pain is sometimes...
Opinion  |  19:02:24
Living with cauda equina syndrome – things you might need to know.
Our spinal injury negligence team explain what you need to know if you've recently been diagnosed with cauda equina syndrome.
Opinion  |  02:01:24
Paralysis following spinal surgery – what happens when spinal cord monitoring during surgery isn’t managed properly?
Simon Elliman, partner and head of our medical negligence team, explains what you need to know about monitoring during spinal surgery.
patient complains to doctor about cauda equina pain whilst he points to area on spinal column model
Opinion  |  03:11:23
What are the symptoms of cauda equina syndrome?
Simon Elliman explains how a claim can be brought where a GP has failed to adequately warn a patient of the risks of cauda equina syndrome.
Doctor inspecting a set of spinal scans
Opinion  |  26:09:23
Lessons learned: A lawyer’s perspective on the new CES Pathway
A follow-up response to a recent article, by Simon Elliman exploring the new treatment pathway for Cauda Equina Syndrome (‘CES’), delivered as part of the NHS’s ‘Getting in Right First Time’ initiative.
RWK Goodman TAC Magazine - 9th Edt - Spinal surgery in cerebral palsy: funding the costs
Opinion  |  22:08:23
Discussing spinal surgery in cerebral palsy and funding the costs of SDR and curvature surgery
Surgical treatment of the spine, whether that is to treat curvature of the spine or to carry out selective dorsal rhizotomy, has become a mainstay of treatment for children and young people with cerebral palsy. As a parent or carer of a child with cerebral palsy, it is not always an easy decision to proceed to surgery. Both the likely benefits need be considered against the known risks of surgery. In addition, for some, the cost of surgery will hang heavily in the balance.
RWK Goodman TAC Magazine - 9th Edt - Horse accidents and spinal injury
Opinion  |  17:08:23
Horse accidents and spinal injury
Riding horses can be one the most exciting things we ever do. It can also be one of the most dangerous. Anyone who knows horses will understand that a horse can spook, kick, rear or bolt at any perceived danger, whether it is real or not.
RWK Goodman TAC Magazine - 9th Edt - Travelling with spinal cord injury
Opinion  |  17:08:23
Travelling with a spinal cord injury
Maggie Sargent, Director of Community Case Management Services (CCMS) outline the key challenges of travelling with a spinal cord injury and what can be done to make things a little easier.
RWk Goodman TAC Magazine - 9th Edt - Claire Thornber, Founder of the Cauda Equina Champions Charity
Opinion  |  17:08:23
In Conversation with… Claire Thornber, Founder of the Cauda Equina Champions Charity
RWK Goodman Partner and  Head of Medical Negligence Simon Elliman talks to Claire Thornber, Founder of the Cauda Equina Champions Charity to find out more about the new national pathway for diagnosing and treating Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) that was launched by Getting it Right First Time (GIRFT).
Doctor inspecting a set of spinal scans
Opinion  |  20:07:23
The new CES pathway – does it enable clinicians to get treatment right first time?
The new treatment pathway for CES, delivered as part of the NHS’s Getting It Right First Time initiative to improve care for various conditions, is a positive step forward in ensuring better outcomes for...
Person with their hand on lower back in foreground whilst doctor points at model of spinal column in background
Report  |  29:06:22
Urgent cauda equina care – have lessons been learned?
In collaboration with the Cauda Equina Champions Charity, we have conducted research that suggests there is still work to be done to improve emergency care for cauda equina syndrome so as to avoid life-changing outcomes.
Opinion  |  08:06:21
The stresses and strains of being a family carer – Tegan’s experience
Simon Elliman relays the experience of young carer Tegan, whose mother Vicky lives with cauda equina syndrome.
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